Resolution Opposing the Expansion of Guantanamo Bay and CIA Black Site Prisons

On February 1st, 2025, The Executive Committee of Libertarian Party of Texas (LPTexas) passed a resolution opposing the expansion of Guantanamo Bay and CIA black site prisons, condemning indefinite detention, lack of due process, and human rights abuses. The resolution calls for the immediate cessation of these operations, demanding fair trials or release for detainees while urging elected officials to uphold constitutional and human rights protections. This stance reaffirms the party’s commitment to liberty, due process, and justice for all individuals, regardless of nationality or status.

Resolution Opposing the Expansion of Guantanamo Bay and CIA Black Site Prisons

WHEREAS, the Libertarian Party of Texas stands firmly on the principles of individual liberty, due process, and the inherent rights of all people regardless of nationality or status; and

WHEREAS, the Guantanamo Bay detention facility and other CIA-operated black sites have been notorious for indefinite detention, lack of due process, and allegations of human rights abuses, practices which stand in stark opposition to the values of a free and just society; and

WHEREAS, the expansion of such facilities would further entrench the erosion of civil liberties, facilitate government overreach, and perpetuate the violation of fundamental human rights under the guise of national security or immigration enforcement; and

WHEREAS, the utilization of Guantanamo Bay or any similar facility for the detention of individuals—whether they be foreign combatants, asylum seekers, or non-violent immigrants—constitutes a blatant disregard for constitutional protections, the rule of law, and the moral principles upon which our nation was founded; and

WHEREAS, the Libertarian Party of Texas unequivocally opposes any form of torture, cruel and unusual punishment, or detention without due process, as these practices are abhorrent to the cause of liberty and fundamentally incompatible with a free and just society; and

THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the Libertarian Party of Texas condemns any and all efforts to expand the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, as well as any CIA-operated black sites, for the purpose of detaining individuals without due process; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Libertarian Party of Texas calls for the immediate cessation of operations at Guantanamo Bay and the closure of all CIA black sites, demanding that all individuals currently detained in such facilities be granted access to fair and timely trials or be released forthwith; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Libertarian Party of Texas urges all elected officials and government agencies to uphold and protect the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and international human rights conventions, rejecting the use of indefinite detention and torture in all forms.

Adopted by the Libertarian Party of Texas on February 1st, 2025.

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