The Texas 89th Legislature kicked off on January 14, 2025, and the Libertarian Party of Texas (LPTexas) has been on the ground at the Capitol to promote our principles of individual liberty and limited government. Today, we announce LPTexas' legislative priorities for this session.
LPTexas Legislative Priorities
The following legislative priorities were approved by a vote of the LPTexas State Libertarian Executive Committee (SLEC). Under the leadership of Legislative Action Director Anastasia Wilford, the Legislative Action Department will be in Austin throughout the session to meet with legislators and their staff to indicate our support/opposition for bills and resolutions and also to testify on behalf of LPTexas during committee hearings.
"We're going big," said Wilford. "My goal is for this to be the most impactful legislative session in LPTexas history. We are incredibly fortunate to have Kevin Hale (Legislative Coordinator) in Austin throughout the session, and I'm looking forward to building a team of volunteers to support our efforts at the Capitol. This will be a landmark collaborative effort and a big step toward realizing our ultimate goal - liberty in our lifetimes."
Below are the LPTexas legislative priorities for the 89th legislative session:
Personal Liberty and Privacy
LPTexas opposes state mandates, civil asset forfeiture, eminent domain, and intrusion into personal affairs.
Election Integrity
LPTexas supports easing ballot access laws and returning Libertarian candidate filing fees back to the Party.
LPTexas supports school choice and parental control over education.
Justice Reform
LPTexas seeks the repeal of vice laws, the abolishment capital punishment, and supports the end of qualified immunity for law enforcement.
End Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying
LPTexas opposes the use of taxpayer dollars to fund lobbying efforts.
How You Can Help
An effort like this takes teamwork, and we want you to be part of the team! See below for ways you can support LPTexas this legislative session.
LPTexas will be hosting our first Legislative Action Day of the session on Monday, Feb. 24. If you've never participated in one of our Legislative Action Days, don't be shy! Our Legislative Action Department will give you the "lay of the land" and provide you with the tools and guidance you'll need to talk with legislators and staff, including which bills are being targeted for advocacy/opposition.
If you can't make this first Legislative Action Day, no problem! Keep an eye on our Events Calendar and sign up to volunteer to make sure you receive communications on future volunteer opportunities. If you're not comfortable talking to legislators in person, we will have volunteer options leveraging phone/text/email that you can do from home as well.
We understand that taking time off from work to be in Austin is not feasible for many of our members. If you're unable to be in Austin but want to support LPTexas' legislative agenda, please consider a donation to our Legislative Action Fund. Your donation will go directly toward funding our efforts for the legislative session and ensure that we have representation at the Capitol to advocate for liberty principles.
We're looking forward to productive session of advancing liberty! As always, we extend a heartfelt thank you to our members and donors who help make this possible.