Great American Steakburger2220 N. Yarbrough Dr.
El Paso, TX 79925
United States
Google map and directions
Event contact
Dave Marino915-861-5141
This is the Texas Secretary of State mandated convention for the 2024 election year. During the county convention, we will:
A- Nominate local candidates for the November 2024 general election.
B- Elect our local EP LP County Officers
C- Elect delegates and alternates to the LP Texas State Convention April 13th and 14th in Corpus Christi https://2024.lptexas.org/
D- Adopt or amend the county by-laws. Available upon request.
If you would like to participate in the libertarian party County convention, follow these simple steps.
1- DO NOT vote in the republican or democrat primary on March 5th (or any other political parties convention)
2 – Show up to the Precinct Convention on March 12th to affiliate and be elected a delegate to the County Convention.