
Resolution Opposing the Expansion of Guantanamo Bay and CIA Black Site Prisons

On February 1st, 2025, The Executive Committee of Libertarian Party of Texas (LPTexas) passed a resolution opposing the expansion of Guantanamo Bay and CIA black site prisons, condemning indefinite detention, lack of due process, and human rights abuses. The resolution calls for the immediate cessation of these operations, demanding fair trials or release for detainees while urging elected officials to uphold constitutional and human rights protections. This stance reaffirms the party’s commitment to liberty, due process, and justice for all individuals, regardless of nationality or status.

  • Resolution Opposing the Expansion of Guantanamo Bay and CIA Black Site Prisons

    On February 1st, 2025, The Executive Committee of Libertarian Party of Texas (LPTexas) passed a resolution opposing the expansion of Guantanamo Bay and CIA black site prisons, condemning indefinite detention, lack of due process, and human rights abuses. The resolution calls for the immediate cessation of these operations, demanding fair trials or release for detainees while urging elected officials to uphold constitutional and human rights protections. This stance reaffirms the party’s commitment to liberty, due process, and justice for all individuals, regardless of nationality or status.

  • Resolution Against Trumps Honorary Lifetime Membership

    On February 1st, 2025, The Executive Committee of Libertarian Party of Texas (LPTexas) passed a resolution denouncing the honorary Lifetime Membership awarded to President Trump by the LNC Chair. LPTexas expressed concerns that the LNC Chair does not have unilateral authority to issue lifetime memberships to anyone, and that it violates the party's national bylaws. The resolution underscores the party's commitment to upholding their principles and adhering to the bylaws governing the national and state party.

  • Libertarian Party of Texas Announces Legislative Priorities

    The Texas 89th Legislature kicked off on January 14, 2025, and the Libertarian Party of Texas (LPTexas) has been on the ground at the Capitol to promote our principles of individual liberty and limited government. Today, we announce LPTexas' legislative priorities for this session.

  • Help Frank Lozano Win for Liberty in Harlingen, TX!

    We’re so close—but we need your help to reach the finish line.

    Frank Lozano, a longtime advocate for liberty and former LPTexas Executive Committee member, is in a winnable runoff race for Harlingen City Commission. While this is a nonpartisan race, Frank is a libertarian through and through. This is a critical opportunity to put principled leadership into action at the local level.

    Frank’s opponent has raised taxes every year, burdening Harlingen families and small businesses. Frank stands for fiscal responsibility, transparency, and serving his community—not raising costs for hardworking taxpayers.

  • Honor Veterans with repeal of AUMFs

    This Veterans Day let's honor our Veterans by ending their wars by repealing the 1957, 1991, 2001, and 2002 AUMFs. 

    As we approach Veterans Day, we reflect on the sacrifices our service members have made in service to our county. One of the most solemn promises a nation can make to its veterans is to use military force judiciously and only when absolutely necessary. However, several outdated Authorizations for Use of Military Force (AUMFs) remain active, giving the executive branch far-reaching authority to engage in military action without the explicit approval of Congress. The 1957, 1991, 2001, and 2002 AUMFs are still in effect, providing broad justifications for military engagements that allow the President to strike targets at will. 

  • Libertarians Care about Community

    When people think of Libertarians, they often associate us with a deep passion for individual rights, limited government, and personal freedom. What sometimes gets overlooked is how much Libertarians care about building strong, thriving communities. As we approach the season of giving, it’s a perfect time to highlight how we contribute to our communities in meaningful and impactful ways.


  • The Patriot Act and the Erosion of Liberty

    Signed into law just weeks after the September 11 attacks, the USA PATRIOT Act was presented as a necessary measure to combat terrorism and protect the American people. The "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001," cloaked its invasive powers under a thin veneer of patriotism. But for Libertarians, the Patriot Act always represented a grave threat to the very freedoms it claimed to defend. Over two decades later, the Patriot Act remains one of the most significant government overreaches in modern American history, one that fundamentally undermines the Constitution and the foundational principles of a free society.

  • Liberty International World Conference - Limited Time Offer for LPTexas until Oct. 25!

    Meet and mingle with liberty lovers from around the globe when the 2024 Liberty International World Conference comes to Grapevine, Texas Nov 16-18, 2024. Register today and use code TEXAS to receive your exclusive 10% off discount good through Oct. 25!

  • LPTexas Candidates Removed from Ballot by Secretary of State

    Over the past few months, 28 LPTexas candidates were removed from ballots for the November 5 election because they did not pay filing fees. But why didn’t they pay the filing fees? Glad you asked! 

  • Libertarian Party of Texas Supports Clemency for Robert Roberson

    This past week, the State Libertarian Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Texas (LPTexas) passed a vote to publicly support clemency for Mr. Robert Roberson who is scheduled to be executed by the State of Texas on October 17.

    Video: Stop the Oct. 17 Execution of Robert Roberson